First SurgiCube in the US

Click here to watch video's about the First SurgiCube in the US at Parker Cornea, Birmingham, AL
Interview Eyeline

Riens Gort van Eyeliner interviewde Dr. Gerrit Melles over bestuurlijke verantwoordelijkheid, naar aanleiding van de reorganisatie van NIIOS en sluiting van de hoornvlieskliniek.
MCMF Concert op 15 oktober 2023

Op zondag 15 oktober 2023 organiseert de Melles Classical Music Foundation (MCMF) een middagconcert onder leiding van Martin Haunhorst in De Doelen.
Uitnodiging informatiedag 2 maart '23

NIIOS organiseert op 2 maart 2023 een informatiedag in De Doelen, om u persoonlijk de achtergronden te schetsen en de vragen die leven te beantwoorden.
Champalimaud Vision Award 2022

The entire NIIOS team is very proud that Dr. Gerrit Melles received the prestigious 2022 Champalimaud Vision Award for his pioneering work in the field of corneal transplants.
MCMF & NIIOS | Musical gathering

On September 25, MCMF and NIIOS organized a wonderful concert. The concert was partly to celebrate Dr Melles receiving the Champalimaud Vision Award.
AAO Opening Lecture - Lecture Essay

Dr. Melles presented the 79th Jackson Memorial Lecture at the 2022 AAO meeting by reflecting on “How would nature see our corneal triumphs?”. Click here for the lecture essay:
Visit by Rotterdam's mayor Aboutaleb

On October 14, we had the pleasure to receive a visit of Rotterdam's mayor Mr. Aboutaleb and introduce our work during a guided tour through the institute.
Expertise Corneal Transplantation

We feel very honoured that NIIOS/MHR is listed as a top expertise institution for corneal transplantation in a recently published worldwide ranking!